
CALL US: 020 8367 3420 OR 020 8366 0555

INTERNATIONAL: 0044 208 367 3420 OR 0044 208 366 0555


We have a robust Age Restricted Goods sales policy to ensure that we are only supplying customers that are over 18 in the UK and we will make every attempt to confirm your age. When you place an order with The Bushcraft Store you will need to verify your age which we can do using various methods.

When a sale takes place we will seek to verify your age by checking whether you are on the Electoral Role, if we are unsuccessful at this we will then need to see a copy of a Government issued document. A passport or drivers license is the preferred method of age confirmation. When prompted, after your purchase, you can simply send a PDF copy or photograph of the requested document. Once we have sought this ID once we will not need to seek it again as you will be registered on our system as having been checked. 

Once the sale has been cleared we will then dispatch the item with an Age Checked delivery service. The delivery driver will be required to check your ID to verify your age. As of the 6th of April 2022 this will be a requirement in Law and, as such, there could be an additional charge for this service. This will be charged through checkout and added to your order.

I would like to assure you that we never share data with any other company and all data is deleted after verification 

We are a responsible retailer and strive to abide with the Police and the Home Office's best retailer practises and advice in an attempt to assist in the prevention of knife crime.

In all cases  I am afraid a self age declaration is simply not good enough and any retailer that relies on such checks are in breach of the law and are liable to prosecution.

We sell a large range of high quality tools from many different Countries around the World and we try to tailor our products to focus on quality. As such, the vast majority of the products we sell are manufactured in Europe and the United States and the companies we stock use materials sourced from Europe, the USA or Japan.

Any questions or queries regarding our knife sales policies should be directed to

Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.

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