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TBS Nano Scout Firesteel

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TBS Firesteels have been a phenomenal success and we have an awesome range now. The Nano Scout Firesteel is the latest addition to our range and is perfect for every day carry as it is small enough for your pocket or for attaching to your keys. I know there about a thousand different types on the market today but I honestly believe that you cannot get more bang for your buck than our Firesteels.

It is made from Aluminium and features its own striker as it breaks down into 3 sections, the firesteel, the striker and the case meaning that you can detach the firesteel and striker and use them independently.

The firesteel is what we refer to as "Scout Sized" which is 6mm thick and will shower your tinder with white hot sparks to get a fire going nice and quickly. 

Using the dedicated striker gives off a massive shower of white hot sparks thanks to the addition of just little more of the combustible metals to our rods. I know a lot of people like to use the back of their knife but you really can't get better than a dedicated striker and this one just works. Also no one seems to ask the question "What if you loose your knife or don't have it with you, how do you then strike your firesteel....?" Of course, with a dedicated striker you never have that issue.

  • 6mm Diameter (1/4")
  • 36mm length ferro rod
  • 28mm Length Handle
  • 100mm Total Length
  • Dedicated Striker
TBS Outdoor
Rated: 5 / 5
Based on 1 review
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Jonny Gee  /  London

Good firesteel. Bright colour.

Good fire still. Bright colour helps it not get lost too easily. This is the second of this model I bought (the previous one Was black and was from a different supplier, but was clearly made in the same factory).