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TBS Water Bottle Survival Kit

TBS Water Bottle Survival Kit
TBS Water Bottle Survival Kit
TBS Water Bottle Survival Kit
TBS Water Bottle Survival Kit
TBS Water Bottle Survival Kit
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The TBS water bottle survival kit isn't your commonal garden survival tin with all those relatively sub standard bits of kit in it. This the real deal with really useful bits of kit that you really will use in any survival situation.

Remember the general priorities of survival -

●  Shelter  ●  Fire   ●  Water  ●  Food  ●

Many survival tins are packed with bits of kit that you will probably never need and have an over reliance on "food" (least important aspect). The vast majority of situations you will find yourself in is when it is cold and wet so we have found that if you rely on the first two - Shelter and Fire you will not go far wrong

Shelter - You will die of exposure in a matter of hours

Fire - Goes hand in hand with shelter, warmth and probably more immediately important is it's signal capabilities.

Water - goes without saying but many people have been known to survive days without water.

Food - The least important aspect as you can survive for weeks without food.

Our kit contains:

  • A TBS 1ltr Water Bottle - A top quality water bottle that is super tough Stainless Steel that is superb quality and made from 304 gauge stainless steel.
  • A Mora Companion Knife - Just a great knife that has been the go to issue utility knife for the Swedish armed forces for years 
  • US GSA Compliant 550 Paracord - None of your Mickey Mouse nonsense this is the genuine gear straight from the USA and a real bonus for strong shelter making.
  • Commando Wire Saw - Invaluable cutting tool for shelter building
  • TBS Firesteel - Lasts for an age, thousands of strikes for thousands of fires.
  • 2" Signal Mirror - Remember a heliograph can signal for miles on a sunny day and the best way to survive is to be rescued.
  • Water Purification Powder/Tablets - Invaluable for sterilising enough water fo your immediate needs.
  • A NATO Issue Fishing Kit - A fishing kit is always handy as it is always easy to find bait and a line can be left in water for prolonged periods of time leaving you free for foraging and the like.
  • Lifeboat Matches - Perfect for emergency use as they will even stay lit under water!
  • TBS Quick Fire Tinder
  • Snare Wire - A low calorie way of food gathering is by using snares. Remember if you are practicing setting up snares please make sure you observe all local laws.
  • Signal Whistle - Your best chance for long term survival is to actually be rescued so signalling kit can be invaluable.
  • Button Compass - As a rule you try to stay put with a vehicle but there does come a point when you need to move and quick direction finding can save time and energy.
  • A Belt Pouch - this pouch is big enough to add other products as we happily admit that you will want to tinker with your kit and add some personal preferences.

Our kit comes packed in a highly useful belt pouch to make it a super handy "Go-To" survival kit that is filled with good quality gear. 

We reserve the right to change any product within the kit without prior notice. We will NOT simply change everything for low quality products it will simply allow us to substitute an item if it happens to be out of stock. We will always replace it with the equivalent value or better quality product and not trade it down.

The Survival Store
Rated: 5 / 5
Based on 1 review
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Anthony  /  Taunton

Some things I needed for archery and some extra bits that will come in handy for other adventures

Everything came in the package with no parts missing, so far haven't been out to use the products yet, but everything seem in working order after a quick test of the products. Quality seems good, so happy with what I've got. I may came back and change my review after I've used the items in the proper settings. For now, it all seems adequate.